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低分雅思写作词汇1. I think/believe

不单单是在口语中,很多人在写作中都会出现这种表达,其实在写作中,不能出现“我觉得,我认为”这些带有强主观性的表达,在雅思写作中,如果是议论性的论文,你就需要提供合理的论述理由和证据,来支持你的观点。所以慎用“I think/believe”

低分雅思写作词汇2. So/very/ basically/ totally/essentially/really + adj / adv


1) 累赘:It is essentially very hot in Hangzhou now.

2) 累赘:Travelling is so good.

3) 累赘:Doing this job is really hard for me.


1) 推荐:It is scorching in Hangzhou now.

2) 推荐:Travelling is wonderful.

3) 推荐:Doing this job is difficult for me.

雅思写作词汇替换表达:Very good ,你可以用:

1) top-notch ['tɑp'nɑtʃ] adj. 最高质量的;第一流的 n. 最高度

2) splendid英 ['splendɪd] 美 ['splɛndɪd] adj. 辉煌的;灿烂的;极好的;杰出的

3) terrific 英 [tə'rɪfɪk] 美 [tə'rɪfɪk] adj. 极好的;极其的,非常的;可怕的

4) excellent

5) magnificent

6) fabulous 英 ['fæbjʊləs] 美 ['fæbjələs] adj. 难以置信的;传说的,寓言中的;极好的

7) outstanding

雅思写作词汇替换表达:very bad

1) horrible

2) terrible

3) outrageous英 [aʊt'reɪdʒəs] 美 [aʊt'redʒəs] adj. 粗暴的;可恶的;令人吃惊的

4) distressing

5) awful


1) Appetizing英 美 ['æpə'taɪzɪŋ] adj. 开胃的;促进食欲的

2) Delectable英 [dɪ'lektəb(ə)l] 美 [dɪ'lɛktəbl] adj. 美味的;令人愉快的

3) Flavorful英 ['fleɪvəfʊl] 美 ['flevɚfəl] adj. 可口的(等于flavourful);充满…味道的;有香味的

4) scrumptious 英 ['skrʌm(p)ʃəs] 美 ['skrʌmpʃəs] adj. 美味的;绝妙的,极好的

5) enjoyable

6) palatable英 ['pælətəb(ə)l] 美 ['pælətəbl] adj. 美味的,可口的;愉快

雅思写作低分词汇3. lots of / Many/few/ a lot of...


1) 累赘:I went to the museum a few times last year.

2) 推荐:I went to the museum two times last year.


雅思写作低分词汇 4. Each and every 每一…


累赘: Each andevery time we see something new, we wish todocument it in some form or another.

雅思写作低分词汇 5. pasthistory/past experience


累赘: Accordingto my past experience,we need to be more brave and carm down when faced with challenging decisions.

雅思写作低分词汇 6. personal opinion 个人观点


累赘: It is my personal opinion that winter is the best season.

雅思写作低分表达7. For all intents and purposes 总而言之

直接总结观点更简洁,基本不会又外国人用这样的表达在他们的report或是paper中,但是也不能用in a word,其实这里有个陷阱就是,有些阅卷的考官,较起真来,就会有这样的评断,你真有本事,你就真用一个单词来总结呀。所以大家真的要总结的话,其实in all就够了。

雅思写作低分词汇8. firstly, secondly, thirdly


推荐:To begin/start with, in addition,additionally, as well as, most importantly,last but not least. For one…, for another…等

雅思写作低分表达9. Everything has two sides/every coin has two sides


雅思写作低分表达10. There is survey……


雅思写作低分词汇11. Nowadays


雅思写作低分表达12. No one can deny that…/Undoubtedly


雅思写作低分词汇13. Perhaps/maybe




题目是:The graphs below show the performance of the trains in a train company in October and November in 2008.


The two line charts compare the proportion of trains which were unpunctual and canceled in a particular train company in the whole October and the first three weeks of November in 2008.

As can be reflected from the first graph, starting from 20%, the number of late trains climbed to roughly one third before dropping considerably by the end of October when trains performed the best as merely 1% of them were late. Subsequently, the situation turned worse especially in the second week of November as more than half of the trains could not set out on time. After that, the figure declined, ending up with approximately 40%.

More significant variations could be spotted in the performance of canceled trains despite of a relatively lower percentage. At first, only 1% of trains were canceled, then the number soared to a peak at 7% in the following week followed by a plunge, dropping back to the same number of the first week. After some moderate ups and downs, trains canceled arrived at 4% in the end.

Overall, the problem of late trains was more serious in this train company and canceled trained had been controlled more effectively.








Bombard with 连环轰炸

Outdated 不符合时态潮流的

Time-efficient 具有时间效率的

Money-consuming 花钱的

Unfold (消息)传开

Simultaneously 同时的

Put great emphasis on 强调

Internet access 互联网接入

Fail to 未能做某事

Gain popularity 受欢迎的


Less time-efficient and cost-efficient, 形容词做原因状语

This is mainly because 这主要是因为

a contribution that every employer seems to be reluctant to make. 概括性同位语

So powerful are other media So...that倒装结构

What readers just need to do 主语从句

not just gain more popularity but undermine the position of the old-fashioned newspaper . Not just…but also 的平行


Although bombarded with different kinds of news, audiences these days rarely read news by newspapers but by other media. However, my view is that in delivering news, newspaper is outdated and other media, as an effective and efficient tool for people to read news, is a far better alternative.

Less time-efficient and cost-efficient, newspaper is no longer preferable in today’s world. For one thing, the newspaper fails to change its role in spreading news in a world where every individual puts great emphasis on the effectiveness over time. This is mainly because producing newspaper is also man-made process of editing, printing news onto paper and finally distributing it to readers, which is quite time-consuming. When the news reaches the readers, it may be out of date. For another, the distribution of newspapers is also labor-intensive and thus money-consuming. For example, this needs workers to print, transport and sell the newspapers to readers, so that employees have to pay for more salaries, a contribution that every employer seems to be reluctant to make.

So powerful are other media, especially social media ,that they can spread news a great deal faster and farther than any other news outlets including the newspaper do. Without having to buy a newspaper, what readers just need to do is updating their Twitter or Facebook or surfing online whenever they want to read news or wherever they are as long as the Internet access is available. For example, as soon as some big events like the Boston Marathon bombing happen, the news unfolds simultaneously through social media as well as live TV broadcast, and travels to every corner of the world instantly. This is what the newspaper can hardly compete.

In conclusion, being convenient and fast in news spreading, other media not just gain more popularity among different readers but undermine the position of the old-fashioned newspaper.(306words)


雅思写作大作文题目是:Some people believe that reading the newspaper is the best way to learn about news, while others believe that the more effective way is through other media. Discuss both views and give your opinion.有些人认为读报是了解新闻的最好方式,而另一些人则认为,通过其他媒体看新闻是最有效的方式。讨论两种观点并给出你的意见。


For hundreds of years, people get used to reading the newspaper to know current affairs, but this traditional mode is being challenged by the emergence of various forms of other media.

Since the invention of TV, it has become a common way for people to get informed of the latest news and compared with reading articles, sounds and moving images on TV can better convey the information. In recent years, with the universal access to the Internet, more people turn to reading on the web. Online reading saves the time of printing and distribution and more importantly, most of information on the web is free. Another advantage of new media is their less impact on the environment. The paper-making industry associated with printing newspapers is a heavy polluter and large consumer of wood resources.

However, some people support newspapers and they may give their reasons as follow. The censorship system of publishing newspapers is more rigorous, which means the Information people gain from the printed media is more reliable than that from the Internet. It is true that in many cases, the news turns out to be false after it spreads widely on the web. In addition, some readers, especially elderly citizens, may get accustomed to reading newspapers as they are not familiar with the functions of electronic gadgets.

My view is that the role of the newspaper is diminishing in our daily lives and this trend will become faster in the future. However, “newspaper” will continue to exist, perhaps in another form, demonstrated by the fact that many newspapers are published on websites as online newspapers now.


★ 雅思口语写作中话题词汇的重要性













